Sunday, August 21, 2011

FIST pump

This board has been a collaborative effort with a lot of different surfers, and the shape itself is kind of a mix up between a fish / groveler, Mini-Simmons and Lord Board.  To some it probably looks like a red headed step child, but I believe that it might be just what the doctor ordered.  The board is designed to make the most of lake waves, which move slow,  give you enough time for a few good pumps, and a solid turn before it fizzles out.  Also, I have recently learned that I seem to habitually pump my fist when I'm stoked.  Hence the name, Fist Pump.

1 comment:

  1. We've been seeing more of these kinds of shapes come through the doors lately, especially from a newer brand called City Fog Surfboards, which is a colab between my friend Nick Palandrani (Source Surfboards and GP Surfboards) and famed longboarder CJ Nelson. Have yet to see one ridden, however (except for a Bing video from a couple months ago). Going along w/ the name, have you seen the "Claim It" video from Hilarious. We should catch up soon!
